How Do Solar Panels Work in the UK?

Discover how solar panels work in the UK, generating electricity from sunlight while reducing your electric bill.

Ever wondered how solar panels work in the UK?

It's all about harnessing sunlight to produce electricity. Photovoltaic cells in the panels convert sunlight into power through the photovoltaic effect, creating a flow of electricity. By installing solar panels on your house, you can generate your own electricity, reducing your electric bill and contributing to a cleaner environment.

In recent years, sustainable energy sources have been gaining increasing popularity as concerns about climate change and rising energy bills grow. Solar panels, in particular, have become a familiar sight on rooftops across the UK, harnessing the power of the sun to generate electricity.

But how do these solar panels work, and how exactly do they save you money on your energy bill?

Let's explore the answers to some commonly asked questions about solar panels in the UK. We’ve tried to make our explanations as simple as possible, for added help.

How do solar panels work?

Inside every solar panel is a collection of photovoltaic cells, also known as PV cells. These cells are the key technology behind converting sunlight into electricity.

In simple terms, when sunlight strikes the surface of a PV cell, it stimulates the electrons, causing them to bounce and create momentum - a flow of electricity is made.

There’s a lot more science behind the scenes, but all you really need to know is that through these cells, energy is created from the free energy of the sun's rays.

Imagine sun rays bouncing up and down on a trampoline, and being able to harness the energy from their movement.

How do solar panels work with your electric bill in the UK?

Installing solar panels on your house can reduce your electric bill by up to 90%. At CRG Direct, we usually see savings of around 70-80% on average.

So how does it work?

Simply put, instead of buying electricity at a premium from energy companies, you have your own energy supply on your roof.

The panels generate electricity, the electricity is fed through an inverter, and it is transformed into usable AC (alternating current) for your home. If you have a battery, excess energy can be stored in a storage battery, or if you don’t have a battery, it can be exported to the grid.

You can get paid for your exports as part of the SEG scheme.

So, instead of paying your usual energy bill, which can be hundreds of pounds a month, you just use the energy from your system, saving money on your bills.

You may still have to buy some energy from the grid, for example, at night panels won’t be able to generate anything as the sun won’t be out.

It's important to note that the savings you receive will vary throughout the year, depending on factors such as the size of your system, your energy habits, and the amount of daylight hours you receive where you live.

Please also note, you will always need an inverter as well as panels to be able to power your home.

You can always try out our free solar panel cost calculator tool to get an idea of your potential savings.

solar panels on roof
how do solar panels work in the uk

How do solar panels work at night?

Unfortunately, PV systems don’t work at night. You won’t get free energy from the sun at night, but there are things you can do to address this.

Turn your appliances on in the daytime: make sure you run appliances in the daytime rather than the night to maximise your savings from solar

Use a storage battery: Store excess power from your photovoltaics during the day in a battery, and use your stored free energy once the sun has gone down

How do solar panels work on a house?

Installing solar panels on a house typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial survey - An initial consultation with a solar panel installer will help determine the feasibility of solar panels for your home. Factors such as the orientation of your roof, shading, and available space will be assessed to design an efficient solar system.

  2. Installation - Once you decide to proceed, the solar panels will be installed on your roof or, if suitable, on the ground. The panels will be positioned to maximize sunlight exposure, usually around 20-45 degrees.

  3. Inverter installation - Solar inverters are essential components that convert the DC (direct current) electricity produced by the solar panels into AC (alternating current) electricity used in your home.

  4. Grid connection - The solar system will be connected to the electrical grid, allowing you to export surplus electricity and import electricity when your solar panels are inactive. You’ll get a DNO certificate that confirms you’ve been approved to connect to the grid.

  5. Monitoring and maintenance - After installation, your solar panel system's performance can be monitored remotely, and regular maintenance ensures optimal efficiency and longevity.

In conclusion, solar panels are a promising source of renewable energy in the UK. By converting sunlight into electricity, solar panels offer both environmental benefits and potential savings on your electric bill. While they don't produce electricity at night, a well-connected solar panel system ensures a seamless power supply. Embracing solar energy not only reduces our carbon footprint but also paves the way towards a cleaner and sustainable future for generations to come.

So, if you're considering making the switch to solar power, take the first step toward a greener future and explore the options available for your home in the UK. Harness the power of the sun and be a part of the renewable energy revolution!

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Dave Wood

We had a great experience with CRG…

“We had a great experience with CRG installing our solar panels and battery. Pre-install I had quite a few questions and they were always answered quickly and in an easy to understand way. During the installation the team discovered that it wasn’t going to be as straightforward as they initially thought due to the strange layout of our house and the location of the electrical fuse box etc but they did a great job of working out a route for the cabling that caused the least disruption. Since the install I’ve had another couple of questions about configuring the system and again, I got a quick and helpful response.”

Geoffrey Mellett

“We made a good choice!!

“After considering a few installers, I decided to ask CRG Direct to install 16 solar panels, an inverter, 2 x batteries and an air conditioning unit. Throughout, the communication was excellent and the scaffolding was erected the day before installation.

The installation day couldn't have gone better, with everyone in the "Team" playing their part leaving us with a very efficient solar installation. I highly recommend CRG well done to you all keep up the good work!!”

Suzie Wilde

“Sound too good to be true? Well it isn't!

“We researched lots of companies and chose four to visit us and quote. Two twisted our arm to sign up at once: hard selling. Two were left in the running and we hoped CRG's apparent transparency and helpfulness would be matched by the quality of the service. Well - they surpassed it. The quote was fair; the communication at every stage excellent. The fitters were hardworking and electricians a pleasure to have in the house”